
Where Are the Borders?

I don't know why I didn't do borders. So, now that it's post number 300, it's taken me a little while (a tiring 15 seconds) to figure out what I should do. Then I took a picture of Moe, brought it into Photoshop, duplicated his head 299 times, placed them behind it (that took even longer...16.000000003 seconds, as I recall) and saved it for the web. Count 'em...there's 300.

Just so you know, in case you only counted 18, the one in the 0 counts, and most of the faces are obscured by other faces, which they themselves are obscured by other obscured faces. There really is 300 (Want more silliness like that? I got it from here).


Jeff said...

58... 59... 60... 61... 62... 63... 64... oh, I don't want to count up to 300! I'll just have to trust you. :o)

Happy 300th post Riley! Way to go!

Riley said...

Thank you. So, now all of my fans...and me...are going to have to wait for my 400th post...and I'll have plenty of time to think about how to celebrate...unless I post lots of extras.
