The Jones family

The Jones family is the main family in I Want Moe Attention.

This family consists of: Michelle and Charlie (the parents), between 30 and 45 years old; Julia, the oldest child, 15 years old; Moe, the middle child, 9 years old; Lily, the youngest child, 1 year old; and Merlin, the family pet dog.

Moe and Julia treat each other like most siblings do; they argue, fight, and tease each other.

Moe has a secret hideout, in which he hides some of his secret inventions. Moe has Secret Friends (more in the Miscellaneous Characters page).

Julia has a not-so-secret desire to become President of I.W.M.A. Every year on Election Week, Julia runs for President, to absolutely no success whatsoever.

Michelle has a sister, Cynthia.

Charlie has a gigantic sense of humor. Most of his "sense of humor" strips I got from my dad. He has Secret Friends, too.

Lily has an IQ of 175, which she claims is "about average for a one-year-old." She was once President of I.W.M.A. She invented the Thought Translator, and can solve a Rubik's Cube (if you think that's amazing, she could solve one of these too!)

Merlin is obsessed with Rubik's Cubes and has every kind of twisty puzzle ever invented. He invented the 64x64x64 cube. He has a secret doghouse life.

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