
Happy New Month!

This strip came from a GARFIELD AND FRIENDS episode I remember seeing (on DVD. I never saw it on TV). Take a look at a little "backstory" of it. Here's how: When you get there, click on the green TV screen that says "Garfield and Friends TV Series." When that opens up, click on "Season Two." Then click the dial several times. Look at the top of the screen. When the second line says, "EPISODE 17," then enjoy it here.


A Close-Up on Brennan

I made this strip from a few combinations of Thidwick and Linus Van Pelt. I think "Thidwick Van Pelt" is the best one.



Posting a little early...

I almost feel like doing this to my own dad...


Another day, another silly thing that Moe's dad does...

This came from my dad...but not exactly in the same way that it did from all the others. He actually has a blog called Partial Distortion of Grape Udders. You wanna see it? Click here!

A Caution Sign in a Thought Balloon?!

WHOA, I haven't posted today's strip yet! I'm really late! Sorry.
I usually try to limit the number of circles leading from the think bubble to the character to three, but it doesn't work for Brennan...mainly because he usually sits.


A Pink Background? That's New!

I'm posting a little early today, okay? Just go on and read the strip right...now!

If you look closely at panels 1, 3, 4, 6 and 10 (the logo box, the "mama howss," the ding-dong, the Brennan seeing Mama again, and the jump off the cliff), you can see the parachute. Oh, by the way, what do you think of my design idea for the MOE in the logo box? I always try to think of a new way to write MOE in the logo box.


I've Heard of Baby Talk, but This Is Ridiculous!

Translation in normal English:
PANEL 1: I love Mama. She loves me. I'm Brennan. Who are you? Mama feeds me. When we're done she says "All done!"
PANEL 2: I like to talk. Do you? Mama puts me to bed each night. She says "Good night!"
PANEL 3: Hi! This blog is called "I Want Moe Attention!"


How Will They Get UP The Cliff?

I'm posting a little early, okay?
I'm not sure if I should have put that magnifying glass in there. This wasn't actually my original ending...in the original rough, the cliff wasn't high enough, but the dialogue was the same. Here's the last panel rough drawn with the pen, instead of pencil:


He Can Say His Name!

Q: How did you learn how to talk so fast, Brennan?
A: Hoo nos. [Who knows.]

Q:Do you know what that other girl's name is yet?
A: Aftr I wok up frum mi nap, I herd her say "Hi Bwennan, Eweesha's heew!" [After I woke up from my nap, I heard her say, "Hi Brennan, Elisha's here!"]


He Must Be Comfy!

Why did I do just a few thick black lines? Well, he's just tired. It's not night. And, well, you know, it's kind of light in your room at 3 PM even when the light is off, isn't it? So, I didn't want it to seem too light, or too dark.


Either He Fell Through the Roof, or She's Outside

Don't get your hopes too high...she won't become a character of the strip. But she will become part of the story...

NOW Where Do You Think He Is?

Okay, I'm posting today's strip a little late. Enough small talk. On with the strip.

Okay, now where is he? Where did Merlin carry Brennan? He's not in his neighborhood now, that's for sure.


Merlin Must be Strong!

Okay, I'm posting Sunday's strip a little early. I don't know why. Oh well. Enough talk. Let's see the strip, shall we?

Okay, Brennan's lost now, right? So now where do you think he is? Comment on the post and tell me where you think he is now! But it will automatically change again tomorrow...Merlin is going to carry him a long time! He must be strong, like it said in the title up there.


I Really Think It Should Be, "Bark, Bark, Arf"

Was he looking at the ear, or the sign? Probably the ear, since babies can't read.


By the way, where do you think he is?

Where does a baby get a suitcase? I hope he asked his mom first...


The First Time I've Used Two Images on my Blog!

You'd think that anywhere Brennan went in the house, Thidwick could come in there too. Well...

...he's not going to be in the house! It is now known that Brennan can crawl.


The Story Continues...

Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, Linus and Snoopy!


This Story Is About Brennan...Literally!

Read the Moe comic strip and find out what adventures Brennan has between now and August 28!

Whenever anyone gets into a little fight thingy, we only see parts of the people sticking out from a huge ball of dust that nearly fills the entire panel. Very Jim Davis sort of style on the clouds of dust in the last panel, eh?

It Isn't the New Year Yet!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I love Moe's expression in the last panel!


Makes You Want to Think About Dessert, Doesn't It?

This is another joke that came from my dad. The original sketch was practically word-for-word and scene-for-scene. My dad said the same thing. We'd just finished our cupcakes from my brother's birthday. The cookies were gone. Our Gummy Worms (I love those!!) were gone too. When the same brother asked what we had for dessert...well...Dad did about the same thing to him. We all laughed our heads off. Then I thought, why not turn it into a comic strip? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...as mentioned in this post, I love it when Moe faints.


What If I Were Week, Part VI

To me, the universe is a big, huge, black ball that nobody can get out of. Nobody knows what lies beyond it. In one story (I'm not sure if I'm gonna turn this into a strip or not) Moe and Julia were playing football. Moe kicked it so hard, it went out of the earth. Moe put on his spacesuit and his rocket boots. They never wear out or need batteries. They can travel through hyperspace, like in Star Wars, so they can get out of the universe. He does in about a half hour. But he gets stuck out there...momentarily. There was a hole that he flew through, and he flew through it again. Then, 30 minutes later, he's back on Earth. It covers an hour of time. But then again, if you travel through hyperspace, that is kind of like traveling through time...isn't it? (Picture going through hyperspace in your head. Imagine faster than the speed of light. You might not be able to, because I can't, but just try. That's real science fiction stuff, isn't it?)


What If I Were Week, Part V

I did three sketches for the last panel...and none of them had them feeding him. That was put in before I put in the ACHOOS. The ACHOOS were the last thing I put in. Ha ha ha...the food bowl just says "Cat!" I did that because I couldn't think of any good Moe-Cat mixtures. Well, I could, but they weren't very good. They were "Mat" and "Coe." Then I tried Moe-Bob mixtures. Not very good either: "Mob" and "Boe." So I just said, "FINE!! I'll just call him "Cat," to make it funnier." Well, I didn't actually say that.


What If I Were Week, Part IV

Moe as his bed monster
It must be around 6:00 in the strip...the darkness is slightly getting lighter in the panel. I love how the Moe Monster (?) thinks he's going to eat "Moe." Why are the quote marks there? Because it really isn't Moe. Click on the image and look closely at the arms and hands of Moe in the thought-thought balloon and you'll see.


What If I Were Week, Part III

It almost looks as if they're each other! I mean, Thidwick does what Moe does, and vice versa! (That means the other way around, kids.)


What If I Were Week, Part II

Kind of like the strip with Moerlin, isn't it?

"What If I Were..." week Part I

By the way, that's a giant foot about to squash him. It's casting a few shadows over Moe. Something he looks at (or thinks about) makes him wonder what it would be like if he were that thing. In this case, a spider. Then we'll see what he would look like if he were that thing in the last panel.


Is This Peanuts?

This is a bit of a spoof on all those Charlie Brown vs. Lucy football strips in Peanuts. I loved drawing the color behind Moe's kick...sort of gives it more life, don't you think? I also like the rainbow-colored title. That's why I changed Moe to The Moe Person. But don't worry...that's just for this strip.


I've Never Seen Anything Like It! Well, Actually, I Have...I Made the Strip!

"Why did Moe do that," you ask? Because he loves pizza, that's why! But I'm not sure if anybody else would like it...


Is It His Trademark Shirt Or Not? Find Out Now!

I did all those yes's in the middle panel last...but I'm not sure if I should have put Julia in the last panel. Oh, now I remember...I didn't want to waste all that space.


Free On This Blog-Interaction!

Leave a comment and let me (and Moe) know what you think about the shirt! I think the shirt stands out better with black pants, like yesterday's strip.


Floppy ears, huh?

This reminds me of Charlie Brown and Snoopy.