
So THAT'S What Kind of Animal He Is!

I like Nerm's line, "Please call me 'sir.'" TOTALLY not Peppermint Patty in some of the first strips! By the way, to get a good likeness of a tiger, I went to Google and did an image search for "tiger." This is the picture that I found perfect to use. First I sketched out the entire tiger visible, then I sketched a few more pictures of the tiger in some of President Nerm's poses. When I drew his image in a strip, I had to take a look at my sketches to get the picture right. Now I can draw it totally from memory, although I keep forgetting the whiskers. And, of course, I love drawing his bushy eyebrows.


Jeff said...

Great job on the Tiger Riley! He looks grrrrrrreat! :o)

Riley said...

Good. I'm glad you like it.