
Return of the Stick III

Apparently, the pig isn't a very good-tempered one. He's usually mad in most strips, with the exception of this one. The character that's saying, "The picture's kind of fuzzy" wasn't originally in my sketch. I put him in to further populate Nermia beyond Nerm, the dog*, the pig, and the stick, who you can see in the last panel, bottom center. It's only a month until Christmas now! I've already got most of the Christmas story planned out. It will start the day after the Nermia story ends (December 17).

*The original text was, "...beyond the dog, Nerm,...". I switched their positions because Nerm is the president. He should be listed first. Did you know that's actually a law in Nermia? Yup, in a list with Nerm's name in it, which usually says "President Nerm, a.k.a. Sir," he should be listed first.

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