
Plink, Plink! I Like That Sound!

I was originally going to have the "pow" in the second panel, since light travels faster than sound, but I changed it, for some reason.


Jeff said...

Oh, oo! There goes their fireworks show if it rains!

I like plink plink too!

Riley said...

Hmm...I think I should have put in a "don't get it?" thing. You've seen fireworks, haven't you? And you know those things that appear to turn into a circle in the sky that are usually colorful? Those are them. It might be helping if I update this post sometime to have this strip in color. So, that's not rain, it's the colorful sparks that come out of the sky. I always feel like they're going to fall on me, so I made a strip out of it.

Riley said...


Jeff said...

Ahh, I understand now!