
Flashback Comparison #3

This third Flashback Comparison shows the week immediately following the previous one. This first one, instead of having an opening fourth-wall-break, has something more like a teaser:
I apologize in advance if this next one violates some copyright rule...
Originally I was thinking about combining these two into one and replacing the second with one about how Moe never looks at his enemy, and so Julia shows him the picture. But then I realized that I needed to keep these more-or-less identical.
I mentioned in my first Flashback Comparison that, in the early days of the strip, Moe was an extreme prankster. After writing that, I looked through my Tricks label, and realized that Moe would still qualify as a (minor) prankster, as he is still playing practical jokes every now and then on Julia.

Plus, I normally don't make characters' shirts and pants the same color anymore, so in the first of these strips, I made Julia's pants the pinkest shade of purple I could find. And I changed Moe's last line so it would seem a bit more suspicious.
When I showed the original to my Dad, he took one look at the soap-bottle-Charlie, cracked up, and asked me what I was drinking back then. I've since decided that Charlie was a soap bottle then due to a curse put on him by Jocken Fred. Plus, I accidentally colored Moe's outfit pink in the first of the original panels, so I made a reference to that mistake by making Moe's pants (in the newer version) pink. Also, at the end of the first original panel, we also read "Yay! Clap clap clap!" But I removed that soon after writing it (yes, I didn't just erase it), probably because Julia would have suddenly gone from "Yay!" to "What the snake tulip...?"

More Flashback Comparisons to come! Stay tuned!

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