
Flashback Comparison #10

This tenth Flashback Comparison details Moe's introduction with Bed Monster. I had to flip some of the panels with Moe's bed, as it seemed it switched from being against one side of the wall to the other side (or at least turning 180 degrees).
Moe's style of bed in the original strip is actually a lot closer to the bed I was sleeping in at the time. I updated it to match the way his bed looks now.

Also, I wonder how Michelle is squeezing between the wall and Moe's bed in the last panel of the original?
Yes, Moe has hair in the last panel of the original. That'll be explained in the next Flashback Comparison. I changed it to his dots flying off his head. And in the last panel, his socks are flying off his feet. I decided to get rid of that. I've really improved my bare feet since then, don't you think? They still have the same number of toes, though.

And yes, those are the same pajamas Moe still uses today.
Obviously I had a hard time getting Moe's outstretched arms to have the correct stripe pattern. Bed Monster's appearance in the last panel of the newer version is actually pretty close to what I was attempting to have him do in the original. The problem with the original is that I tried to put the tentacles grasping his throat in front of Moe's hand. It didn't turn out so well. Michelle's shirt changed in the last strip simply because I grabbed the wrong colored pencil when I was making this strip. And now she appears to be more curious rather than angry.

More Flashback Comparisons to come! Stay tuned!

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