

 In case you're wondering how all that mud got on the walls, Merlin probably went in the house and shook, like this:
You know, the way dogs usually do when they're wet.

This was a strip I made before the blog was up. Recently I thought the punch line was funny enough to reuse in a blog strip. I wasn't exactly sure if I should keep it the same or not, but eventually I decided to change it to just a long panel showing the mud Merlin had coated the walls in. The original playout had Moe standing still. Then a blob of mud hit him. Then Merlin came in (treading mud on the floor in the process) and thought "Now I know what it feels like to be a pig!" And Moe told Merlin to wipe his paws. I changed Merlin's line to this version because I thought it was better.

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