
Different Layout

This joke was so big, I had to refrain from my usual style to get enough panels for this joke. I had to not use my usual design because the maximum number of panels in that layout was 24, except for the top row. That eliminates six more panels, making the total only 18. The only way to keep it in that design were to stack two panels on top of each other in the same row, but that would be way too crammed. Although, it's more than enough panels. If we divide each of the bottom two rows in half, then we get four smaller rows, bringing the total to 36.

If you want to run the comic strip vertically, then take out the logo* and rearrange the panels (but keep them in the right order, of course) so that there are six rows with four panels in each row.

*If you want, you could enlarge it and put it at the top so the bottom edge is the same size as one row of panels. This takes up even more space, however.

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