
Are They Stuck?

Wait a minute, cartoons revealing themselves to real people is against the law in Cartoon World? Whoa. I guess this explains why nobody ever sees a cartoon in the Real World...or does it?

By the way, in the Cartoon World, it's proper to capitalize "Cartoon World" and "Real World."

Did you know that cartoon light is a little different from real light? Well, it is. You all know that when light shines on one side of you, one side is darker than the other, and on the darker side, a slightly squashed or stretched silhouette (or in other words, your shadow) is on the ground, beginning at your feet? But in Cartoon World, when a light shines on one side of anything, the entire object lights up (even the side that isn't facing the light), and it looks like he, she, or it is on top of some kind of black puddle! Cool, huh?

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