
How Does He Stay On The Ceiling?

Say, what DID happen to gravity?
GOOF: Moe's first line has an extra "E" in the word "sweep". Originally, the broom was going to have a Marzipan design on it, since she looks like a broom, but since one doesn't exist, I decided not to, so I whited it out. I like Moe's pose in panel 2. See? No feet without toes. I told you would begin to stop seeing feet without toes! Moo hoo ha ha ha ha haaaaaa! Have you noticed I've changed the shadows a little bit on the ceiling? That's because you can actually see a light on it. Speaking of the light...there's a shadow above the light?! I don't remember doing that at all!


Jeff said...

Well, I guess cartoons can do whatever they like, such as walking on ceilings. :o)

Riley said...

Well, then, that "answers" one of my admirings...sort of.