

Yum My

This came from my dad. Again.


Defy the Law of Gravity in One Simple Step!

I thought of this idea while trying to think of something for yesterday's strip, but it seemed to be able to fit in 3 panels, so I thought, "Why unnecessarily stretch it out to fit at least 6? I'll save this for Monday."


Stupid Fly


Is That a Claw?

I've had the idea of one of Nemo's fins becoming a huge claw for a little less than 2 weeks now.



I was going to put an arrow in the sign pointing to the mousehole, but I didn't think of it until after I drew the sign, and it was already out of room.


V = 4πr²


That's Not Subtle!!

I wonder where the sling came from?


What Makes You Think I'm Nervous?

Another idea I had for this strip was to have his legs shaking.

Originally, I was going to have Thidwick dance, but at the last minute I thought, "Hmm, why not have him do his magic trick from that old post?


Wrong Hole

When I drew this strip, I forgot the SECRET FRIENDS WEEK title, so I put it in at the last minute.



He Melted!!

He'll be fine.


I'll Take the Late Post, With a Side of Merfish

I've always wanted to use a "merfish" concept, so I created a comic strip to go with it.


There's a New Logo!

I have (briefly) thought about stopping the strip. And, no, this strip won't lead to another Riley-being-stripped-from-President-of-I.W.M.A.-status-and-trying-to-get-it-back story.

Due to circumstances beyond my control (I won't tell you what they are), Monday's strip will not be posted until mid-afternoon. I express my apologies in advance. I must emphasize the BEYOND MY CONTROL part of that statement, and also say that I had nothing to do with it. It just sort of happened.



Moe's even wearing the same outfit as Michelle! By the way, earlier today, I noticed the absence of the 9-17-09 strip, so here it is:
I apologize for not having realized this for so many months.


HAPPY 2010!!

Happy 2010 from I.W.M.A.! Once more, new year, new font!

This joke was originally used in my family's personal, one-of-a-kind 2010 IWMA Calendar. I thought it was so funny, I decided to use it in my strip.