
Dead Vampire?

Oof...that will squash his stomach.
Don't say a word about the floating circle above Moe's head in panel 10...tracing the last version of this strip, I forgot that there wasn't any dialogue, so I put that up, thinking that Moe would be thinking the punchline, but I also forgot to white it out.

Watch His Hat!

In other words, we're in big trouble, guys.
I liked trying to think of a way to make Thidwick's hat morph into his blanket. Actually, I did this earlier in 2006, in a not-on-the-blog baseball game...where they lost. This is one of the games they are referring to.

By the way, yeah, they've won a few games. They're not completely like Charlie Brown's team.


That WILL Cost a Lot of Money

How much do you think is in Moe's college fund? $20 maybe? $30? So, it looks like the catcher is Mom. Do you think IWMA will win or do you think "Sec" will win? "Sec" stands for "secondary characters". So that means The Stick plays on that team!


They Look Tiny!

This was one of the strips I drew after I came home from our vacation.

The visited link color is going to change to a better viewable one soon.



The title is a repeated title of "Ugh".


Kee Rash!!

I hope that wasn't their car too.
I wonder if that WAS Moe's car? Do you think so? Oops, I forgot the big AUDIENCE sign over Merlin and Bob in panel 3.

Lotsa Popcorn

It took me a while to draw all those buckets of popcorn. To hide them all, I made the thing holding up the AUDIENCE sign striped and solid. Oops, I forgot to put the POPCORN label on most of them!


Another Dead Vampire?

You don't even want me to become one. Does this mean he's about to bite Dad?
I just traced the earlier version of the strip. So, the strip is basically the same as this one, except different colors and a different punch line. And Moe's tongue isn't hanging out.

Back From Vacation

I'm sorry for the third hiatus...I was on vacation and I couldn't get anybody to post the strips. I was in artist seclusion for two days. Anyways...
Can you believe it took that long for their first customer to come?
Moe is #1.This is because he is the star of the strip.
Anyways, back on schedule at last.


He Likes Hamburgers!

How did the company create a live hamburger?
Note our note we noted on the sidebar. We do our best to keep our viewers entertained.

We will try to think of one as soon as possible. Because, like we said three times before, your votes keep I.W.M.A. running! And as we noticed, our last poll only had three votes.


What the Heck is Burp-Up Salt?!

BURRRRP! Where's the excuse me?
This joke was originally intended to use as an extra joke in this strip.

I can't think of a new poll!!! Can someone help me think of one?

Strange Guys

So, Moe and Mom are going to Silly Putty Adventures 4 on the 21st. By the way, about the purse, Mom bought a new one, but her luck didn't change:

So Mom had to go buy a third purse. Actually, the first picture is a sketch I did soon after I got better from my illness. I was looking at my ceiling, and I noticed a peculiar design of texture. The first picture is what I saw it as. A few days later, I sketched both of these. This explains the old style feet on Mom.



Translation: You're in big trouble, young man.
Originally, I was thinking of having the translation in panel 3 (counting the logo box and drop panel) being "The name 'Unused Characters' stinks." But then I thought of this punchline and decided to have every panel have the same translation. So now we will see them more often. They are no longer Unused Characters.



Hey, they're floating! I meant to do that. I think I scanned this too tall.


Last Prediction Fulfilled (Finally)!

Is Thidwick dreaming or not?
Good grief, did it really take THIS LONG to fulfill the last prediction? The crystal ball in panel 2 is a bit more creative than the real one.


What's Happening in Those Other Panels?

I wonder what IS happening in those obscured panels?
I wonder what IS happening in those other panels? I think Moe's line in the panel behind the fully visible one says something like, "Oh, wait a second, I know who caused this..." And the panel behind that one is too covered to see anything in it. Jocken Fred is floating again. Bed Monster messed up the sidebar elements this time.


Well, MOST of the Blog is Fixed...

Nothing's in the panels.
Ooooh, it looks like Jocken didn't like the backwards text or the new template or the repositioned elements, so he switched them back. Except for the sidebar elements. He messed them up more! Wait a second...he's floating! Weird. Anyways, I hope you weren't hoping the blog wasn't going to stay like this.

What in the World...?!

Okay, guh-reat. Look at what they have done to the blog!!! They've messed up the template! They've repositioned all the sidebar elements! They even made this text backwards so it's impossible to read! But I'll show 'em. !meht wohs lliw I ,ris ,seY


Definitions: by Dick Shionary

Oh no! Havoc?! What on earth will they do to the blog?!
This message is for little kids: the upside-down E in panel 10 is a schwa. Parents, if your child(ren) read this blog, explain to them what a schwa is. No, "Definitions by Dick Shionary" isn't a real book.

Yet Another Double-Post

Whoa, sorry about the spontaneous hiatus we had. Anyways, read from top to bottom. Top is yesterday's strip, bottom is today's:
Oh, never mind. I put that there because I don't have any pockets, and neither do I.
Aaaah, the exactoknife was that close to hitting Mama?! Eek! I was originally intending to use the word "siphon", because that's what an octopus's ink squirter is called. But I thought that little kids may be reading this blog, and they may not know what a siphon is. And, "ink squirter" makes more sense than "siphon", so I used it instead.

And, today's:
Can we turn the flashlight back on?
All the blackness was done in Photoshop. The blackness is why I did the sound effect (Click!), the date (9-8-07), and my signature (Riley) in white and bolder than usual.


Why On His Shirt?

I think the bold words at the top of his shirt say THE PLAN.
WHY on his shirt? Jocken is looking at the wall, trying to tell her to write it on the wall, without having to actually tell her to write it on the wall. What do you think the plan is? I think this is the first time we have seen fainting without the "smoke".


What's With All Those Bold Words?

We need a plan to destroy THE CLUB Unused Characters SO WE WON'T BE UNUSED ANYMORE. Jeez, what's with all the shouting?!
Usually, daily strips take 10 or less minutes to draw. Not counting the coloring, Sunday strips take at least twice as long. The only exception is these strips. Because of the time it took to think of a punchline and doing all the blackness, these strips take at least 30 minutes to draw. Fun fact: Most of the thin darkness lines in panel 3 were done by my new pen! That's right, my old pen ran out in the middle of the last panel. I forgot that I hid a new pen, but eventually I remembered. So I grabbed it and completed the strip. Because of this extra time, this strip probably took 30 minutes to draw.


Oooh, Behind the Scenes!

The meeting of Unused Characters will come to order!
I like that Moe wrote GIANT BOX on...well, the giant box. Whoops, I meant to write "Unused Characters" in the last panel.

We will continue celebrating Brennan's birthday until he reaches a certain age. What do you want this age to be?

Looks like Brennan will be four when he stops growing up. (Sorry that this image is too long.)


My church got a new floor soon, and this is what my dad said too. That's when I got the idea for the strip. So, does Dad's line in panel 2 mean he plays basketball? Maybe. But I think he plays baseball more.

New poll and results coming soon.


Did He Just Faint?

Hey, the sink on the right is the one that exploded! I like to do this (Moe, not dad) sometimes. Whoops, Moe has a tongue in panel 7 and I didn't want to put that in here. See, in all the other panels you can't see Moe's tongue. Blah blah blah. "Tongue is one of the very few words I have trouble spelling, despite that Blogger says "Thidwick's" is a misspelled word.